'Bragg X-ray spectrometer, England, 1910-1926' with Claire Murray

In this episode Claire Murray explores the other users and developers of instruments like the 'Bragg X-ray spectrometer, England, 1910-1926', including scientists such as Kathleen Lonsdale. We discuss the pioneering work of these scientists in the field, Lonsdale career and the way she is celebrated today, and how important her data still is in the field today.

The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Claire (she/her) is an Irish scientist working at Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron. She was fascinated by atoms and molecules as a teenager and has managed to make looking at them her career! She is currently investigating molecules of calcium carbonate that were made by 1,000 secondary school students as part of Project M. Claire believes that science should be accessible and enjoyable for all, at whatever level they choose to do explore it. 

Eleanor Armstrong